Release 2010

 EUROSEM-2010 (2003-2010)
(a freeware software for scientific community)

The History of EUROSEM

The European Soil Erosion Model (EUROSEM) has been a joint effort of many European scientists (this is  INCOMPLETE list alphabetical order ):

J. Albaladejo Montoro, V. Andreu, K. Auerswald, P. Bazzoffi, W. Blum, Boiffin, H.R. Bork, P. J. Botterweg, V. Castillo, J.A. Catt, G. Chisci, B. Diekkrüger, W. Everaert, A. Folly, S. Giakoumakis, G. Govers, B. Hasholt, A.J. Johnston, E. Klaghofer, Y. Le Bissonnais, G. Monnier, R.P.C. Morgan, J. Nachtergaele, T. Panini, J.W.A. Poesen, J.N. Quinton, R.J. Rickson, J.L. Rubio, V. Sardo, , R.E. Smith, P. Strauss, M.E. Styczen, D. Torri, G. Tsakiris, R. Webster, M. Vauclin,. ..
and   many  others …

in the following image thre is a sketch of EUROSEM software evolution...

some phases of EUROSEM developement are relevants:

A) Eurosem 1998 – 2001  during  MWISED project

EUROSEM code specific efforts ( Quinton , Morgan , Kotova )
Recoding EUROSEM 3.3 procedural language  (Fortran 77)  in Object Oriented language (Object Pascal - Borland) developing a Windows graphical interface 
MWISED project  findings and result (not all implemented in eurosem):
1)Width discharge relationship to start linear erosion in absence of pre-formed rills and gullies (from Nachtergaele et al., 2002)
2)Ephemeral gully threshold
3)New infiltration routine (with dynamic changes of final infiltration rate linked to sealing processes)
Items 1) and 2) were implemented into EuroSEM4WIN  but without success. Item  3) was implemented but in its static form

B) EUROSEM changes,  new integrations and first recoding  in 2004-2007   (RECONDES project):
Search for bugs into EuroSEM4WIN
Elimination of the ephemeral gully routine (still unfinished and  poorly integrated into the code)
Simplification of input data handling and its substitution with and EXCEL input data file.
Development of input data integration and of a series of algorithms for building self-consistent scenario analysis.
Inclusion of root effects as an increase of cohesion into the input data file (De Baedts at al. 2008)
Adoption of Darcy-Weissbach equation instead of Manning’s and adoption, with marginal modification, of WEPP algorithms to calculate friction factor
Development of a model to transform the parameters of a multi-layered vegetation system into the equivalent (from the point of view of erosion and hydraulics) mono-layer system

C) EUROSEM full re-engineering 2007-2010   
The main task completed: 
Mainly code re-organization with restructuring and translation into a freepascal code , Object Pascal  (using  freepascal compiler project  FPC - OPEN SOURCE)
Elimination of further bugs and improvement of the infiltration routine
Possible Integration of disaggregation algorithm for  low resolution recorded rainfalls


The code related to USER INTERFACE is completely separated from the parts that contains the data structure and the libraries with the numerical code.
This structure facilitate the maintenance of the code, the modification, debugging an profilingand also the  distribution freeware of  the produced software

In this phase we choosed to use only open source programming and development tools, and in particular :
COMPILER  Freepascal compiler   FPC  2.4.2  (
DEBUGGING and PROFILING Insight 6.3.5 + GDB 6.7 + GPROF  (

[EUROSEM-2010 home page]

last update 11/01/2011